Give meaning to your transformation

Our BYOO (Build Your Own Operating model) approach has been specifically developed to implement hybrid models. It enables management to form an objective opinion and provides the elements required for decision-making.

To deploy this approach in your organization, Fructufy offers you what others don’t: a fast, easy and precise methodology to assess, define, set in motion and leverage your Operational Model.


Objectivize your intuitions

The aim of this phase is to help you better understand where your organization’s levers for improvement lie, to assess your current level of maturity in the face of your dynamic environment, and to identify the actions required to transform your organization and its Operating Model.

Analysis of your environment

Your questions and our answers

In a world that has become extremely unstable and changing, how can I better analyze and understand the dynamics and tensions that affect my organization?

What are the main areas of work on which I need to focus my actions and organization?

We jointly assess your business environment using our VUCA MAP tool. Thanks to this tool, you’ll not only get a clearer picture of your environmental challenges, but also an initial assessment of your company’s ability to meet them.

This gives you instant insight into the operating principles of your business that need to be rethought.

Analyze the maturity of your current model

Your questions and our answers

How can I align the actions of the various entities in my organization to ensure that my strategy is effectively put into motion?

What are the levers for improvement linked to digital services that I need to address as a priority?

Thanks to our Maturity MAP tool, we assess your Operational Model on the basis of 7 axes divided between the company’s “functioning” and the “means” available to deliver value. We guarantee you a 360° view of your entire business.

We work with you to identify the major families of actions required in each of the 7 areas to set your transformation in motion. You get a clear vision of which developments should be implemented first.

By using our Maturity MAP tool, you’ll be equipped to ensure a common understanding of your challenges between company units and management.


Evolve your Business Model

The aim of this phase is to work closely with you to define a specific hybrid organization model that respects your culture. This phase is an opportunity for you to formalize and prioritize all the hypotheses you have formulated along the way, so as to test them in the validation phase and ensure alignment with your teams.

Your questions and our answers

What is the best organizational model to help my organization be efficient and meet the transformation challenges I’ve identified?

Are my staff fit to carry out this transformation, and what new roles do I need to put in place?

Our MAP Hybridization tool enables you to model your target Operating Model and obtain a vision of the overall mapping of products and services, as well as the related operational models.

We then work with you to draw up a detailed Action Plan that defines the roadmap for setting your future Operating Model in motion. This Action Plan is an opportunity for us to share with you our vision of its feasibility in the context of your organization, and to provide you with a recommendation for prioritization.

For each of the 7 axes of your Operational Model, you’ll be able to define the expected operating hypotheses and position the target maturity cursor on each of these axes in your target model.


Supporting change agents

We support you in the implementation of your operational excellence by guiding you in the transformation of your governance, processes, organization, leadership style and corporate culture. Our commitment is to stay focused on execution, working closely with you to set your roadmap in motion and ensure its adoption.

Your questions and our answers

How can I ensure that my plan is implemented and adhered to by my teams?

How can I, as a decision-maker, support my management in a continuous improvement process?

At Fructufy, getting in motion is the beginning of the journey with you. Our approach is to translate assumptions into action and achieve a concrete, lasting impact for you, by modifying and adjusting the solution until it meets all your challenges.

To achieve this goal, in addition to long-term support from a Fructufy partner, we offer you access to our BYOO platform, as well as to a group of partners who are experts in their field, all recognized by Fructufy.


Keeping your development under control

Fructufy’s mission is to make your transformation a success. To achieve this goal, we provide you with access to our BYOO platform.

Your questions and our answers

How to stay focused on execution, maintain the momentum your roadmap in motion?

How can we ensure that the operational model is in line with business realities over the long term?

Thanks to our BYOO platform, your approach will be iterative and evolutionary, and you’ll be autonomous in constantly aligning your Operational Model with the realities of your organization. Our platform supports your communication, your decision-making and your development.

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